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Growing tips

Growing tips 5 October 2023

10 tips for choosing the best LED grow lights

Unas plantas creciendo en un invernadero

Over the years, indoor growers have used many different types of artificial light sources to achieve the best harvests. Industry consensus has now coalesced around LED lighting, which has surpassed other types of grow lights due to its versatility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. But choosing the right LED grow lights for cannabis plants requires consideration of […]

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Growing tips 2 August 2023

The advantages of textile pots

Macetas textiles de Pure Pot

One of the great concerns of growers, especially those who are just starting out, is where to plant, what container to use for their plant to grow. Choosing the pot can be a headache in which questions about the right substrate, the development stage of the plant, the size that can (or want to) be […]

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