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Home Blog Growing tips The advantages of textile pots

Growing tips 2 August 2023

The advantages of textile pots

Macetas textiles de Pure Pot

One of the great concerns of growers, especially those who are just starting out, is where to plant, what container to use for their plant to grow. Choosing the pot can be a headache in which questions about the right substrate, the development stage of the plant, the size that can (or want to) be achieved and the facilities of a possible transplant if necessary in the different stages of growth of our crop are combined.

One of the possibilities offered by the market are geotextile containers, which have several advantages over traditional plastic pots. Pure Pot and Flexapot, Pure Factory’s brands of geotextile pots, are good proof of this. On the one hand, they are extremely easy to store since, being textile, they can be folded when not in use as a garment and take up minimum space, they are washable and, given the quality and resistance of their materials, reusable between 3 and 5 times.

But undoubtedly the great advantage of geotextile pots derives from the properties of the material from which they are made. The Pure Pot, being made with textile fiber, thanks to the natural porosity of this, get the root zone contained by the substrate, receive a particularly high aeration, compared to being isolated inside a plastic container or directly buried in our garden, resulting in greater accessibility of nutrients to the plant because there is much more oxygen available in the substrate.

Another of the undoubted advantages of textile pots lies in the“natural pruning” that occurs in the root. What happens is that when the root grows sufficiently and reaches the edge of the pot, the fabric does not represent a real physical barrier to it (we must remember that at its end, the meristem and the coping are as small as a cell). Then, when crossing the tissue, the root with its normal growth, is affected by the air, which dries it, producing a “natural cut” of the same one. After cutting its growing tip, the response of the plant is similar to what happens in its upper part when pruning is carried out, that is to say, the small secondary roots before the cut develop more, transforming into a thicker root, and promoting the multiplication of these secondary roots in the root ball, which results in a much greater and more vigorous growth of the aerial part of the plant.

The textile pot itself prevents overheating of the root zone during the hottest months, since its porous structure allows the evaporative effect of the water used to irrigate it to cool it in all its extension. If you want to know this range of products, we recommend you to visit our pots category page, where you can see the different models of pots of both brands and the capacity that best suits your needs.

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